Case Stories
On a fateful evening the jolly ride on a motorbike of a small knit family changed topsy turvy within a few minutes. In a small town called Mylambadi near Erode five year old Srikanth got on to his mother's lap and went on a ride along with his father to the market on a motorbike. Within a short while his father was hit head on by a speading lorry and met with an instant death. While the little Srikanth lost his limb below knee, his mother, unable to come to terms with reality, abandoned Srikanth too and went into her own world. Srikanth was left under the care of his grand parents and they started looking out for suitable medical care and support for the little one. Freedom Trust's assessment camp in Mylambadi during the month of Feb 2016 became a milestone in the little boy's life. The right measurement was taken and he was soon fitted with a prosthetic limb in March at Mylambadi and from the very next moment Srikanth began to walk, run and climb and just stole away the hearts of one and all present. Today, Srikanth like any other child of his age, goes to School, plays with his friends and cheerfully looks forward to his next day in School.
The right help at the right time will do wonders !!
Ganesan once a cheerful youngster fell in love with a girl in his home town but once turned down by her, unable to face the disappointment, as a spurt of the moment decision he just threw himself before a running train and was run over. He lost both his lower limbs but survived. Repenting on his hasty decision, Ganesan is now under the care of Freedom Trust which has empowered him with a bilateral prosthetic limb fitting. Ganesan after the fitment and sufficient counseling, is back to life with a small business for himself and looks forward to a meaningful life.